The Fractal Singularity of the Heart

Jules Blundell
5 min readApr 7, 2019

You are reminded that, as Spiritual Warriors, we can use a basic metaphysical map, centering on the Heart, to take over the territory within our Selves.

Isn’t that what we all want? To conquer all that stuff in there?

Well, listen up Soldier — the way to CONQUER anything inside ourselves is to accept that we never can. We have to accept it all, love it all. THAT’s how you defeat your entire Shadow Self, your mightiest dragon — by understanding that you can NEVER defeat it.

In doing so, you will find that you have tamed your Dragon and claimed victory by accepting defeat. This a key paradox.

And to unlock it, to really accept that ALL parts of you are to be loved and thereby supercharge your spiritual journey, you need to accept that Right vs. Wrong is a human invention, not a human reality.

What you think is wrong about you can’t be wrong, because wrong doesn’t exist outside of the social consensus that it does. It is an illusion.

This fact is the keystone in the soaring Bridge over Duality that leads on to the open roads of the Carefree Heart.

Accept ALL of yourself in order to fire the personal transformation that is the Fractal Singularity of the Heart.

The Fractal Singularity of the Heart is one way of describing what is widely known as the “Shamanic Awakening”, the seismic shedding of a layer of Ego that is central to some spiritual journeys.

For each individual a Shamanic Awakening is totally different.

So what unites Shamanic Awakenings? The answer is arguably the metaphysical reality of a move (certainly temporarily) from the linear to the quantum in the consciousness of the Spiritual Warrior in question. And it is this move perhaps, from the linear to the quantum, that makes an experience of Shamanic Awakening so transformative. This is a contention, as opposed to a statement of fact. It’s what it feels like. It’s what it looks like.

So what exactly do we mean by “quantum” here?

Physicists get very angry about the notion of a “quantum leap” meaning a leap into a different level altogether, a real paradigm shift; and that’s because a “quantum” in its modern scientific usage describes (roughly) the smallest space possible — which is exactly the opposite state from the complete expansion of a paradigm shift, a “quantum leap.”

Well we are using quantum in that meaning — of a paradigm shift in terms of scale. We are talking about an experience of the world that goes from being linear to fractal.

We’re talking about a paradigm shift in consciousness here — so it will come as no surprise that there is a challenge to be overcome to get there. This challenge is the full acceptance of the Shadow Self; the Dragon at the Gates.

The Shadow Self must be accepted because, within a Dualistic understanding of metaphysics, it can only follow that in accepting all our Darkness we accept all our Light. This then triggers a personal transformation: it is the full acceptance of this Duality of Darkness and Light inside our Selves that fires the Fractal Singularity of the Heart.

So how is this a shift from the linear to the quantum? How is it that beyond the Duality of Darkness and Light, Right vs. Wrong, we are beyond linear metaphysics and we are rather in the realm of what we might call quantum metaphysics? Well here’s a key contention:

Quantum metaphysics is where the fractal interconnectedness revealed at a sub-atomic level in quantum physics and the transformative singularities of Einstein’s physics are revealed to be a base reality of the meta-physical (ie. spiritual), as well as purely physical; the same things, are happening, in other words, in the fundamental “spiritual” AND “scientific” structure of things.

In the area of “spiritual” stuff, you’re moving in a Shamanic Awakening spectacularly from a linear to a quantum level of empowerment — just as in “scientific” stuff, quantum computers (if somebody can build one successfully) will (it is agreed) be immeasurably more powerful than standard linear computers as we have now.

Accept all of yourself with Love, accept ALL of the linear spectrum of Light and Dark inside you — and then something like fractal Realisation, a transformational singularity, happens.

We move from a linear experience of our Self as a separate Self surrounded by “Unself”, to a fractal experience of simultaneously “Self/Unself”.

So how is this experience of Self/UnSelf “fractal”? It’s fractal because this relationship between Self and the Outside plays out its Oneness endlessly upon itself; All is within One and One within All; mirrors within mirrors within mirrors of fractal illumination. This is the experience of Self without Scale, as nothing other than consonance across the Soul, the physical, the etheric, the mental and the emotional; if you tame Dragons in one of these areas, it turns out, Dragons in other areas start eating out of your hand! Now that’s what I call magical.

And where does this experience take place? You’ve guessed it! An experience of All within One and One within All can only take place in the singular and all-encompassing Heart (that is God).

But before you get there, you must face the Dragon at the Gates.

This is an intense phenomenological phase, and can be distressing: in this state, Dragons are NOT always about eating out of your hand; sometimes, it is YOU that looks like breakfast. This is the time of Ordeal, however it manifests — but ultimately this is the place where all the Hells and Heavens of the dualistic experience on Earth are understood and transcended as the beautiful projection of the single Heart.

This is, then, Ecstasy.

The Heart now opens to the Oneness; and we feel ourselves as One with our Selves because our Selves are now revealed simultaneously as the One, the Oneness, the Connectedness, Source.

This truly is a Fractal Singularity of the Heart.

This is the essential alchemy of the Self. This is what activates Brothers and Sisters as Tribe in restoring the link, through Heart, to the Land.

This is where the Spiritual Warrior discovers, in the form of numerous upgrades to their psyche, that they have been elite spiritual Special Forces all along — and that the mission objective had always been to trust in Heart as the commanding unit on the ground.

Trust in Heart, exciting, overwhelming Heart! Heart is the link between Earth and Sky, Self and Tribe. Heart is where You come true.

The Heart doesn’t mean boring! The Heart means finding out what truly alive means; so pay heed to your gravestones, Men and Women, for they are the grindstone for your zest for life; fully accept your death to fully accept your life.

Being truly alive means being connected to the Land. It means being truly magical. In this, take your example from the ancient Egyptians.

In fully accepting the death and re-incarnation that the Land offered, the Egyptians experienced true aliveness — and that’s why they come across so fierce! They were fierce. You’d be fierce too if you were FULLY in your power. So fully accept your Self.

Find your own Fierce, your unique power; every Man and Woman of Tribe has a special gift for Tribe, that’s for certain.

What’s yours?

