Have a Heart for the Archons

Jules Blundell
6 min readJun 8, 2017

The Archon Conspiracy: a belief about cruel and all-powerful shape-shifters having an invisible grip on the human world. Fierce and frankly incredibly paranoid stuff. So why does the Archon Conspiracy manifest so frequently in our best and brightest Spiritual Warriors?

What makes the Archon Conspiracy interesting is that it is generally very intelligent and genuinely “spiritual”/Conscious people who go for it. Why? Because, without believers realising it, the Archons give believers a massive opportunity to grow spiritually.

Archon Troopers, you’re onto a good thing here if you can use it to move on and not get stuck. Here’s why:

Critically, the Archons are HEARTLESS; physically, as well as emotionally. They are the epitome of cruelty. Right?

This lack of Heart is significant.

Because truly believing in our own Heart is a big step on anybody’s spiritual journey. The Archon experience is your Shadow Self projecting a huge example of HEARTLESSNESS just as you approach a final immersion into your own HEART.

Being an Archon Trooper means, in other words, that you are in an advanced phase in the journey to the Heart.

You, without knowing it, are running the whole show, Archons and all.

So use the opportunity to leap on in your spiritual journey.

Do so by saying the following:

“I love the Archons.”

If you can love the Archons, you can love anything — and that will allow you to experience, in all its warrior glory, the Fractal Singularity of your Heart.

The Archons, with all their HEARTLESSNESS, are a giant and compelling projection of the Shadow Self to believe in our own HEARTLESSNESS. It’s a con. And one you set up yourself to challenge yourself sufficiently to push through into the Sovereign Halls of your Heart, and your true power as a Spiritual Warrior.

Archon Troopers, you have my admiration for your courage. But your target designation apparatus has been tampered with by the enemy!

Your courage beam is pointing outwards, towards the Archons. Point inwards, and cast the beam of your courage upon your worst fears instead. Accept yourself as a fearful being and you will find yourself a loving being with powers equal to your gentle allies and fierce teachers, Archons.

In this Archon affair is your Love for yourself.

You are experiencing, as an Archon Trooper, a simulation you have set up yourself. It feels like a paranoid fractal; it feels to you like you are suffering fear that is all too sensible and therefore potentially overwhelming AND YOU SEE IT EVERYWHERE. That’s because it is a paranoid fractal!

It is a trap which you can simply walk out of by recognising that it is only a trap. This is only training.

This fear you are experiencing as apparently a result of stuff on the outside of you is actually a challenge you set up yourself to face the stuff inside of you that is actually the cause of the outer fear.

Just remember that this is all about the inside of you, not the outside of you.

The Archons, in their fearfulness, ARE your Heart in action; they’re just part of your spiritual journey that you can move through when you are ready. Be gentle with the Archons, for they are You.

Ask yourself this about the Archons:

The Archons are always one step ahead, right? Ask any Archon Aficionado about ANY aspect of the Archons, and he/she will always show you how the Archons have got every base covered; and especially the ones you are asking about.

Thanks to the parasite Archons, we are, as humanity, doomed to a zombie-like existence of fear, helplessness and terror; we are exponentially and irrevocably in the grip of entirely indomitable forces of menace and cruel manipulation. It doesn’t matter what we do in our defence — the Archons have already got it covered. And for every question posed that tests the dominance of the Archons, the answer that comes back will ALWAYS confirm, in massive multiplication, that dominance.

Prickly, eh?

This fiercely-reactive narrative, this fractal Black Hole of Victim/Abuser (Us/Them), this paranoid and exponential definition of the Shadow Power — all are hallmarks of a Fear-based, rather than Faith-based, endeavour.

That’s just common-sense, right?

Fear is infinite threat. Love is infinite safety. Where are you guys?

It was You that put the Archons in Charge

You YOURSELF have authorised the Archons to challenge your Self in Faith and urge your Self towards the Leap into your own HEART; don’t get stuck on the HEARTLESSNESS of the Archons.

You are in Fear of the Archons because it is challenging. Remember then that it was your Love for yourself that has placed you into Fear, so you have nothing to Fear. Objectify the Fear, for that is all the Archons are: the objectified Fears of your Shadow Self.

Ask yourself. Why are you so interested in the detail of the Conspiracy? Why do all Archon believers know the Archon narrative inside out in its ever-expanding, o-so-fascinating-and-dark detail?

Answer: because Fear is running the Show here, not Love, and Fear is infinite in its projection of Threat; and what are the Archons to you but Threat?

Say bollocks to the Archons and do something else

The totalitarian Dread Empire of the Archon Conspiracy is a difficult place to stand up and say it is all bollocks.

But not that difficult. Look:

The Archon Conspiracy is all bollocks.


As punishment for speaking out, my Shadow Self says, I will be targeted and hideously punished by angry Archons for eternity.

Nice try, Shadow Self, but terrible timing — this robotic ability of yours to make mountains out of moleholes is what we’re talking about, dummy: the ability of you, the Shadow Self, to impregnate ANYTHING with doubt, to cast a shitty eye on anything — just as the Higher Self has the ability to impregnate ANYTHING with hope, to cast a happy eye on anything. ACCEPT THAT YOU WILL ALWAYS BE LIKE THIS, A DUAL BEING, AND YOU WILL NO LONGER BE LIKE THIS.

Accept fully that the game for us Souls is to not get caught up in the plays of Shadow but to observe them, as we would shadows on a wall, detached and dispassionate; get some perspective; drink deep of Duality, for it is the natural opiate of the over-burdened Self in thrall to its own Shadow.

There’s always a bright side — but there ain’t with the Archons, is there?

All you need to do to pass the Archon test is to remember that it is just a test!

The Archon Conspiracy is a simulation being run by your Self. That’s scary right? But it’s OK. Remember too that at the deepest level THE WHOLE OF YOUR LIFE IS A SIMULATION.

Remember that you, as a man or woman, are always manifesting what you feel into the world around you. What you feel inside is what you experience outside, right?

So if you what you want is clouded by what you fear, what you get is clouded by what you fear; Archon Troopers see in the power of the Archons their own power — but in the Archon’s total Heart-lessness, the Troopers project their own inner fear that the tremors of the Heart are too much to bear and are best blocked completely into a state of … well … Heart-lessness.

Faith will hold you. This is the happy rule. So if you are pointing outwards, you are pointing in the wrong direction. Point towards the Heart.

