There was once a Venue, a VIP and a Caretaker …

Jules Blundell
4 min readJun 11, 2017

These are your Body, Soul and Ego:

Think of your Body as a bricks-and-mortar entertainment Venue.

The Caretaker of the Venue is the Ego.

The VIP of the Venue is the Soul.

Unless the flighty VIP decides to take centre stage, the Venue will, eventually, become dominated by the counter-productive endeavours of the Caretaker. As the days pass and the stage remains empty, you will sit around with him more and more. You will begin to see the affairs of the Venue from the Caretaker’s point of view, which centres on a) a total suspicion of other Venues b) an anxious and undying attachment to your Venue c) a terrified fascination with the VIP and d) an utterly disastrous lack of co-ordination in any activity undertaken.

Don’t sit there with the Caretaker staring at the empty stage, worrying about what to do with the Venue.

Your VIP isn’t performing because they are scared. You need to be kind to your VIP. Be kind to your Soul.

If the Soul starts doing its thing onstage — whatever act is your own personal Sacred Duty — then the grumpy old Caretaker will chill, because he (and yes, let’s face it, caretakers in the UK at least are always men and not women) loves to see the Venue used for something decent; the Ego, through the Soul being given some space and finding some courage, becomes harnessed to the needs of the Soul (which is God).

So how do you persuade the VIP to do his/her thing? How do you persuade the flighty Soul to shine on the stage that you are? You ask it for its true nature. That’s what you do. But, to do that, you need to make your etheric space (ie. you as a outfit of Venue, Caretaker and VIP) clean enough that you can communicate clearly. To hear your Soul, you need to address you Shadow Self.

With a clean and Shadowless Venue, whatever the VIP wants, he/she gets — including the admiring co-operation of the Caretaker Ego, whose dogged and automatic responses may now be harnessed in support of the VIP Soul to magnanimous effect. In the Fractal Singularity of the Heart that is the Shamanic Awakening, the Ego — now in harness to the Soul — ends up helping other Souls as a priority; the Caretaker, in other words, ends up helping other Venues at the instigation of the VIP, the Soul, who is rocking the house at the Caretaker’s own venue.

That’s ironic — getting your own Ego to work for other people. But it’s common: people are doing it all the time in so many ways in the real world.

Check this for a further implication of this Venue scenario: if you are not then the Ego — the “Caretaker” — then who are you if not the “Owner” in this scenario?

You’re the “I” in the living arrangements, but we’ve identified the Ego as effectively a zombie and emphatically not a label for consciousness of Self as “I”.

Maybe we’re pushing it to say that Ego is not the “centralised control and command software for the Body, Mind and Soul” (ie. the traditional sense of Ego) but rather a “subroutine of automated psychological response” (ie. the Caretaker zombie). Maybe it’s both.

Remember that the constitution of the “Ego” is a mental formulation, a projection of the Self; it has no reality, it is an organising term, rather than an entity.

We don’t, in other words, have a clue what we are talking about really.

So why not discard reason for the moment and consider the possibility instead — and this is a lot more exciting — that maybe we’re hitting on the idea that you’ve got to be the Owner, right? Of the Venue, the Body — and all that happens inside it.

If you’re not the Ego Caretaker, then you’ve got to be the Owner, because you’re calling all the shots. You don’t have any choice about the Ego Caretaker being in situ (he came with the Venue), but you have a special relationship with the VIP (Soul). You decide the fate of the Venue (Body), which means that a part of you must, by definition, be God, as Manager at least, of the Venue.

Remember yourself, in the sovereignty of your “Venue” as Creator, for that is what you are — as well as a Man/Woman of Earth and Wound.

The harder you work to make friends with your Shadow Self, the more you may see this Creator truth to your Self to be true. Don’t run towards the Light — run towards the Dark of your Self, make friends there, and the Light of your Self will emerge from the Darkness of your Self.

